UdK Berlin
Doublings, Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin, Germany
fliegende Klassenzimmerlandet in München
Es freut mich Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass die Klasse Schneider Berlin
mit seinem fliegenden Klassenzimmer
nun an die Akademie der Bildenden Künste München
als Klasse Schneider München
verpflanzt wird.
Im Rahmen Gregor Schneiders fliegendem Klassenzimmer
im Fachbereich Bildhauerei wurden in drei Jahren vielfältige Vorhaben realisiert. Thema der Klasse ist das transportable mobile Klassenzimmer.
Das mobile fliegende Klassenzimmer
sollte verschiedene Orte in der Welt mit der UdK
verbinden. Der Raum sollte eine Plattform sein für Studenten, ein Klassenzimmer, ein Raum für Experimente und Forschung, sowie ein grenzüberschreitender Ausstellungsraum, in dem künstlerische Praxis selbsterziehend experimentiert wird.
Räume sind Schwerpunkt Gregor Schneiders eigener künstlerischer Arbeit. Nach einer Ausstellung in der Kunsthalle Bremerhaven, mit eigens entwickelter Raumarchitektur, Aufenthalt und Ausstellung in Bahrain, Ausstellung in einem mobilen Containerlager, Klassentausch mit der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart
und diversen Diskussionen und Besuchern von renommierten Ausstellungskuratoren bekommt Gregor Schneider nun die Möglichkeit sein Programm an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München
Gregor Schneider ist davon überzeugt, dass eine Kunstakademie ein Ort sein kann, an dem junge Kunststudenten/Kunststudentinnen selbsterziehend zu ihrer eigenen künstlerischen Arbeit finden können. Dabei kann die Kunstakademie gerade heute ein Freiraum sein, der gerade nicht willfährige Galleriekünstler oder Marionetten der Ausstellungskuratoren produziert, sondern vielmehr starke und unabhängige Künstlerpersönlichkeiten schafft.
Das setzt natürlich voraus, dass auch eine Kunstakademie als Institution nicht stärker wird, als deren Inhalt.
Gregor Schneider hat sich im Fachbereich Freie Kunst
verstärkt für den Erhalt der freien Fachklassen und für die Stärkung der Künstler an der Universität der Künste eingesetzt.
Auftakt seiner Tätigkeit in München wird eine Ausstellung zusammen mit Münchener und Berliner Studenten/Studentinnen sein, welche unter dem Titel Doublings
in der Kunsthalle Berlin am Hamburger Platz im Dezember 2012 eröffnet wird.
Mehr Informationen unter:
Ab Dezember:
Klasse Schneider München
Prof. Gregor Schneider
Akademie der Bildenden Künste München
Professor für Bildhauerei
Räume: A U1-25, A EG-21, A EG-05
E-Mail ur@gregor-schneider.de
Akademiestraße 2 – 4
D-80799 München
Web: www.adbk.de
Web: klasse.gregor-schneider.de
Bis Dezember
Prof. Gregor Schneider
Universität der Künste Berlin
Fakultät Bildende Kunst
Räume: R90, R94, R95a
Hardenbergstr. 33
10623 Berlin
Web: www.udk-berlin.de
Fliegendes Klassenzimmer - letzte Ausgabe, Universität der Künste Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Handlungsbereitschaft - Skizze einer Generation am Ende der Geschichte, Kunstsaele Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Curator: Mona El-Bira, Lia Marie Hillers, Julian Malte Schindele, Madlen Stange
More info: Press release
Neue Klasse, Wiensowski & Harbord, Berlin, Germany, Curator: Christian Jankowski, Gregor Schneider
Download: Catalog
Meisterschülerpreis des Präsidentenfor Fiene Scharp, master student Klasse Gregor Schneider
Klasse Gregor Schneider,UdK Berlin switch with
Klasse Christian Jankowski, ABK Stuttgart
Eine Immobilie wird mobil, Spatial Design Studio, Zürich, Switzerland
Download: More info
Dear friends,
dr. julius | ap is pleased to present three artists selected on the occasion of the UdK Rundgang: Gonseok Ryu [*1976 Seoul, Korea], Fiene Scharp [*1984 Berlin, Germany] and Lidia Sigle [*1985 Priosjorsk, Kasachstan] attend the Class of Prof. Gregor Schneider at Berlin University of the Arts. Their work shows very individual approaches to the field of non-objective art. Read more here
Gonseok Ryu [KR], Fiene Scharp [DE] and Lidia Sigle [RU]
Opening Thursday, August 18, 2011, 7 p.m.
Finissage Sunday, August 28, 2011, 3 to 7 p.m.
Open Thursday to Saturday, 3 to 7 p.m. and by appointment
"III" is the first show in a loose series on New Concrete tendencies in art schools, called "dr. julius | ap - voraus / ahead", to support art students by showing their work outside their school.
Please note the date of the upcoming solo-show with new work by Stephan Ehrenhofer, opening September 1, 2011.
Looking forward to meet you,
Matthias Seidel
LEO BAECK SALON NR.9 (THE FINE ART ISSUE) from Christoph Medicus on Vimeo.
See: more info & photos
Download: Catalog
Jour fixe- Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, München, Germany
Jour fixe- Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, München, Germany
Program of workshops, lectures and a group exhibition
From December 5th to January 12th
Al Riwaq Art Space
3 Osama Bin Zaid Avenue, Adliya
T. 00973 17717441
About the program
Al Riwaq Art Space is pleased to announce that Intermediately, a cultural exchange program between the Universitat der Kunste in Berlin and the University of Bahrain, is currently taking place at the gallery and it will run through January 12th.
The project, supported by the DAAD, includes a series of workshops, a lecture by Professor Gregor Schneider and Minimal/Maximal, a group art exhibition.
The general objective of the overall program is to stimulate thoughts about the relation between the European and the Arabic world.
The project will be conducted by an international group of art students of the Universitat der Kunste in Berlin and will be involving students from the Art, Architecture and Interior Department of the University of Bahrain. Aim of the program is to encourage a concrete exchange between the different cultural and artistic backgrounds of the participants through discussion and practical works. This program is intended to be the first step of an open dialogue process which will be also bring over the next year the Bahraini students involved in the project to Berlin in order to continue the exchange and to be exposed to one of the most important artistic and cultural environment for the contemporary art practices.
Intermediately represents a further step taken by Al Riwaq Art Space to engage young Bahrain based artists and art students through art education and to establish an interactive and international platform to share and develop ideas as well as cultural practices.
About the workshops
From Sunday 4th December through 10th December
Presentation on Saturday 11th December from 3 pm
Al Riwaq Art Space
During the program a series of workshops, based on the central theme of interactivity between artist and public, conducted by the students from Berlin will be taking place at Al Riwaq Art Space. A group of selected students from the Department of Arts, Interior Design and Architecture of the University of Bahrain will go through a series of workshops that are aimed at developing and directing the development of their artistic practices, to encourage the debate and to delve into artistic movements, such as site-specific, relational and performance art.
At the end of the program, the participants will be presenting the results of the workshops and will share their works with the public on Saturday 11th December starting at 3 pm. This event is free and open to the public.
The final outcome of the workshops will be also part of the exhibition which will be opened on Saturday 11th at 7 pm.
About the lecture by Professor Gregor Schneider
Thursday 9th December at 7 pm
Al Riwaq Art Space
This event is free and open to the public
Professor Gregor Schneider will be giving a lecture entitled "Black Cube - Is a Cube just a Cube?" on Thursday 9th December at 7 pm; the event is free and open to the public.
During the talk the Professor will be discussing about the concept of his installation "Cube Venice 2005".
Gregor Schneider was born in 1969 in Rheydt, Germany. He has always been interested in the relation between constructed and individual space.
Among his numerous exhibitions, he held solo exhibitions at the Kunsthalle in Hamburg (2003), at the MOCA Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles (2004), the Museum de Arte Contemporanea de Serralves in Oporto (2005), and the Morra Greco Foundation in Naples (2006). Among his group shows: in 2005 at the MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt, in 2007 with "Into Me/Out of Me" at the PS1 in New York, at the KW in Berlin, and with "La citta che sale. We try to build the future" as part of MACRO FUTURE (2007-2008). He was also present at the 1st Biennial of Athens (2007). In 2001 Gregor Schneider won the Golden Lion prize for the best national participation at the 49th Venice Biennale.
About the exhibition Minimal/Maximal
Saturday 12th December at 7 pm - Wednesday 12th January
Al Riwaq Art Space
This event is free and open to the public
The exhibition presents the works of 24 international students coming from the sculpture class of the artist and professor Gregor Schneider, Universität der Künste, Berlin (Germany), together with a contribution of the same artist.
The exhibition "Minimal/Maximal" is based on the concept of maximal effects being reached through minimal causes. The tension between minimal and maximal has been explored from all angles, from formal or concrete to more conceptual or abstract solutions.
This concept 'Minimal/Maximal` arises from thoughts concerning content as also pragmatism: the tension between mass reduction and spacial extention represents on one hand a device to deal with space, on the other hand a stategy to minimalise transport costs and geographical distance.
The exhibition will open on the 11th of December at 19 pm at Al Riwaq Art Space and will be running through Wednesday 12th January.
Participating artists: Emma Björnespaar; Katja Burlyga; Miriam Christof; Lara Dorsett; Lonny Fechner; Léa Gilloire; Lola Göller; Sandra Krause Gomez; David Iselin-Ricketts; David Kröll; Simon Jung; Mari Matsutoya; Christoph Medicus; Alessandro Reichmann; Ricarda von Ribbek; Lysander Rohringer; Francisco Rozas; Mike Ruiz; Fiene Scharp; Gregor Schneider; Gon Seok; Lidia Sigle; Diana Sirianni; Flavia Spichtig; Luca Vanello; What´s
About Al Riwaq - Al Riwaq Art Space is a not- for-profit space supporting contemporary art practice and encouraging the youth's creativity. Its vision is to promote creativity and art value providing the artists and the public with a platform to exchange ideas, provoke intellectual debate, inspire and develop creative thinking as well as foster cultural production.
By nurturing a strong relationship between art and society through its programs, it aims at encouraging and supporting creativity and thought-provoking art.
By planning a series of events and courses specifically tailored to students of all ages, Al Riwaq Art Space intends to establish a fruitful and enduring relationship with the youth and its educators.
If you wish to receive further details about this event feel free to contact us on info@alriwaqartspace.com or on 00973 17717441
Al Riwaq Art Space
P.O. Box 54622
3 Osama Bin Zaid Avenue
Adliya, Bahrain
Telephone: +973 17717441 +973 17717441
Fax: +973 17715421
Brillant Volume- Symposium der Fakultät Bildende Kunst: Künste Lehren, Universität der Künste Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Moonwalkmade it to the Guggenheim via: http://www.moz.de/artikel-ansicht/dg/0/1/264678, Martin Kohout, Klasse Gregor Schneider
Quelle: art - Das Kunstmagazin
Der gebaute Raumwith Gregor Schneider, Leopold-Hoesch-Museum & Papiermuseum Düren, Düren, Germany
Flying Classroom 2009-2012
Edited: Klasse Gregor Schneider Berlin, Berlin 2010
Text: Klasse Gregor Schneider Berlin
ISBN: 978-3-89462-191-9
- work by Sandra Krause Gomez, Klasse Gregor Schneider